First of all, go to the Education Board Bangladesh Result website. Enter the address into your browser’s address bar or click on the link. WWW.EDUCATIONBOARDRESULTS.GOV.BD
Then enter your Board name, Roll number, Registration number carefully. NOTE: Here you need to enter your JSC exam roll and registration number. DON’T get confused with your class roll number.
After then Fillup captcha correctly.
Finally hit enter, and you’ll get your JSC result 2020 online.
This is not the only one website where you get your JSC result 2020. Because the result is also published on each boards website. But the difference is that boards publish only the results of their own board’s result. That means if you’re students of Barisal Education Board, you’ve to visit the Barisal Education Boards website to get your JSC result 2020.
There is also some other method is available to get your JSC result. You can get your result using SMS or Android app. If you’re interested in this method, we’ve also here to help you. Please read these article on your desired method. We advise to read all these contents, and then chose the best method suits you.